So much to write about, so little time

My youngest is graduating from high school tomorrow. I am so slammed with graduation activities and then there is the dealing with the endless emotional turmoil. I have a lot to write about –
1). Shot Bloks
2). The demands of training for a big event
3). The last lunch
4). The amazing speech my daughter made for her baccalaureate
5). How it feels to be empty nesting – but not quite
6). etc.

Stay tuned- it’s coming! And as long as I’m so busy please feel free to make requests. Really – I need more ideas.

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3 Responses to So much to write about, so little time

  1. Lisa says:

    Big congrats to you and the graduate on this momentous day!

  2. jeanne says:

    like you NEED more ideas??? You got plenty to go on right there, sistah! Congrats! it’s hard to let go, but it’s liberating!

  3. GraceD says:

    Congratulations to you and your daughter, 21st Century Mom! A big day for both of you.And yes, you are chock full of writing ideas. But, FYI, I’ll read anything you write about your training progress.

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